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Reception Celebration Photography

A wedding reception is mainly a party organized by the newly married couple for those guests who was attending the wedding ceremony. This party is organized after complication of the wedding ceremony. It is mainly an evening program where the guests are entertained in various ways. Usually the dinner also is arranged and through the reception, the newly married couple gets society in the form of relatives and friends. Indian Wedding Reception is always full of lots of fun, drinks, delicious food and lots of dancing, cake cutting, first dance, father-daughter dance, mother-son dance, speeches, toast and dance performances. Wedding reception is generally goes for 5-7 hours depending upon the guest counts and no of performances. Indian couple always enjoys celebrating their wedding with their best friends and family. Indian Wedding Reception are generally lavish to showcase their status and of course to remember the wedding celebration.

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Reception Celebration

A wedding reception is mainly a party organized by the newly married couple for those guests
who was attending the wedding ceremony. This party is organized after complication of the
wedding ceremony. It is mainly an evening program where the guests are entertained in various
ways. Usually the dinner also is arranged and through the reception, the newly married couple
gets society in the form of relatives and friends.

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